Peter Jennings died. He was the anchor I watched the most growing up. I'm not sure why my dad preferred ABC News to the other stations but for a while I thought Peter Jennings was the only anchor for all of the nightly news stations. He was cool as a cucumber at all times. It's funny how a fixture of your childhood has a bigger impact then you think. I actually feel sad that he's just died.
I'm a huge Netflix fan, not just for the service but because I'm also interested in the distribution channel and its evolution over the past decade. Lately the biggest competition was coming from Blockbuster, Walmart and Amazon. Blockbuster has stumbled a bit when it started offering it's netflix subscription option. Walmart bowed out and partnered with Netflix itself. But a recent article reminds us that Amazon is still interested in this space. Which would make things pretty interesting.
Netflix has two advantages. They have experience in distributing the dvd's across the nation. They have a database of personal recommendations based on ratings by its users including user reviews. Amazon has a similar ratings program for their current products so it will be interesting to see if they can leverage that when they launch their own dvd rental product. Plus they definitely know a thing or two about distributing physical products across the nation. If you'd like to add me as a Netflix friend just send me an invite at '' I've rated over 1027 movies. (Not all seen via Netflix but seen over the course of my entire life.)
My goal this week is to produce a sketch each day and post it here. Get into the habit so to speak and gear up for animation school.
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